Life sciences and health technologies

Medicago, Québec

From fundamental research to patient treatment to the prevention and early detection of diseases, the business environment in Québec City for the life sciences and health technology industry is hard to beat. As the nexus of decision making for provincial healthcare and an incubator for innovative techniques, Québec City is home to a wealth of expertise in biopharmaceutics and diagnostics, health related medical technologies, natural products, and wellness.

Groups and research centres

Life science events

  • 2023: 23rd International Symposium Fluorine Chemistry and 9th International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies
  • 2023: Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR)
  • 2022: 16th edition of the Forum de l’industrie de la santé de Québec (FISQ)
  • 2022: 12th International Conference on 3D dosimetry (IC3ddose)
  • 2022: 9th edition of the GOLD international conference
  • 2022:  Annual Meeting American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS)
  • 2022: Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CSACI)
  • 2022: International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) Congress
  • 2022: CDA Annual Conference 
  • 2022: Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) Annual Meeting 
  • 2022: Conférence internationale francophone sur l’agression sexuelle (CIFAS)
  • 2022: Canadian Rheumatology Association Annual Scientific Meeting
  • 2022: International Society for Vaccines (ISV) Annual Congress
  • 2021 (virtual): Annual Meeting of the North Americain Primary Care Research Group (NAPCGR)
  • 2021: American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACDPDM) 75th Annual Meeting
  • 2021: 23rd International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry and 9th International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies
  • 2021: Canadian Cardiovascular Congress
  • 2021: IXe Congrès international d’épidémiologie EPITER-ADELF
  • 2019: 13th Annual International CRISPR Congress
  • 2019: 16th Forum on Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care
  • 2019: Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Conference
  • 2019: 10th Canadian Conference on Dementia (CCD)

Discover more key industries in Québec City

  • Grand marché de Québec
    Food and nutrition
  • La Capitale, insurance services
    Insurance, financial services and business
  • Québec City's electronics and optics/photonics industrie
    Electronics and optics-photonics
  • peps, UL, Ulaval
    Green and smart building
  • QDa_cartoon-connection-canada-2015 (1)
    TIC and digital arts

Read more

  • GOLD fioles rouges

    Québec City event ambassador strikes gold in life sciences research

    Did you know that gold has become a booming research sector for a wide array of fields Including material sciences and biotechnology?

  • Image d'un cerveau

    An international electrophysiology and kinesiology society chooses Québec City

    Hard work has paid off for Jean-Sébastien Roy and Laurent Bouyer, 2 researchers from Université Laval and members of Québec City’s Ambassador's Club.

  • QDa-DNA-molecule-entete.jpg

    Molecular Evolution Takes Centre Stage at International Conference in Québec City

    DNA molecules may be small in size, but they definitely make up for their size in terms of importance; after all, DNA is vital for all living things and life’s processes.

  • QDa_neurolangage_cover_entete2.jpg

    600 language specialists in Québec City

    Thanks to Ms. Pascale Tremblay, Québec City will play host to the 10th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language.

  • QDa-sciences-vie-qc-international-1400x900

    Québec City’s life sciences industry: The picture of amazing health!

    Québec City’s life sciences industry is, without a doubt, one of the most booming sectors in the region.

  • QDa_salle-de-conference-entete

    Life Sciences: How to Sell A Scientific Event

    Jean-Pierre Després has invested over 30 years in researching visceral obesity and cardiovascular diseases.   

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    Tapping into beautiful minds for beautiful causes

    What happens when you bring thousands of the most brilliant scientific minds from around the world to Québec City to discuss breast cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment? You get stunning advances in finding a cure for an illness that affects millions of women and men each year.

  • QDa-nvoyer-congres-chimie-amour-ambassadeur-1400x900

    Top tips for associations when choosing a professional conference organizer

    PCOs can indeed be life savers when it comes to planning events, particularly if you haven’t organized many before.
