Electronics and optics/photonics

Québec City's electronics and optics/photonics industrie

Québec City is turning out technologies and approaches that are revolutionizing a number of fields. It has the highest concentration of optics/photonics experts in Canada, to name but one example. This prolific sector receives support from renowned research centres, succeeds in a competitive business environment, and is powered by an abundance of highly skilled workers. Global players established in the area include ABB, Optel, Exfo, Olympus, Gentec, Eddyfi. 

Visit Québec International's website to learn more on Québec's electronics and optics/photonics' industry

Electronics events held in Québec City

  • 2022: 20th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS)
  • 2019: NAFEMS World Congress, International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community
  • 2018: 15th Canadian Number Theory Association Conference (CNTA XV)
  • 2018: International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computer and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE)
  • 2017: 20th ISMAR Conference -  International Society of Magnetic Resonance
  • 2017: 12th IWA Specialized Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation
  • 2015: International Conference on Image Processing
  • 2014: IEEE-International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)

Optics/photonics events held in Québec City

  • 2023: Optical Design and Fabrication Congress
  • 2023: 10th International Optical Design Conference (IODC)
  • 2019: Education and Training in Optics and Photonics (ETOP)
  • 2019: Photonics North
  • 2019: Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes (A04ELT6)
  • 2018: Workshop on Information Optics
  • 2018: International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG)
  • 2016: 12th International Conference on Optical Probes of Organic and Hybrid Semi Conductors

Discover more key industries in Québec City

  • peps, UL, Ulaval
    Green and smart building
  • La Capitale, insurance services
    Insurance, financial services and business
  • QDa-sciences-vie-qc-international-1200x627
    Life sciences and health technologies
  • Grand marché de Québec
    Food and nutrition
  • QDa_cartoon-connection-canada-2015 (1)
    TIC and digital arts

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