Le Manège militaire Voltigeurs de Québec

Off-Site Venues

805, avenue Wilfrid-Laurier
QC, G1R 2L3

Located in the heart of Old Québec, the Voltigeurs de Québec Armoury is the only military building in Canada to have been recognized as a national historic site. Today, it has become the hot new destination to hold large-scale events. Whether you’re organizing a big banquet, a wedding, or a business meeting, there’s a space at the Voltigeurs de Québec Armoury to suit your needs. Our two experienced catering companies share the same vision of customer service and quality—and the same commitment to professionalism and refinement!

Available Unavailable
Loading Dock

Number of meeting rooms: 3
Total surface area: 1 716.83 m² 18 480.00 ft²

Feet Meters
Room Area L x W H Theater Banquet Classroom Reception Booths
Salle d'Armes
18 480.00
1 716.83
240 X 77
73.17 X 23.48
1300 1300 1300 1300 100
Salle d'Armes Voltigeurs de Québec
11 396.00
1 058.71
148 X 77
45.12 X 23.48
1000 800 700 1000 60
Salle d'Armes Royal Rifles
7 084.00
77 X 92
23.48 X 28.05
700 500 440 700 40

Your representatives

805, avenue Wilfrid-Laurier
Québec, QC,
G1R 2L3
Le Manège militaire Voltigeurs de Québec